Unpopular opinion: Mania isn't better than depression.
Depression sucks. It really does. Being numb to everything, not being able to leave the bed, not having the energy to shower or do ANYTHING other than rot, and just straight up wanting to die fucking sucks and I don't wish that feeling upon anybody.
It's not worse than mania. I'd say they're equally bad.
Unless your manic episodes are usually only mild hypomanic ones and you somehow manage to focus the excess energy on something useful, mania is fucking horrible. It might be fun when it first sets in, but within mere days, mania has the potential to ruin your entire life. Just as an example, here are some of the things I've done while manic:
I almost completely ruined my relationship by rekindling an old flame (who had already ghosted me 10+ times before) and planning to visit them (I booked flights and a hotel... twice) behind my partner's back because I felt like that was just such a great idea. The only reason my partner didn't break up with me for that is good faith and nothing else. I would have deserved to be broken up with.
I racked up over 2k in debt - which I still struggle to pay off to this day - in just a couple of days when I booked the aforementioned hotels and flights.
I had a complete stranger drive me, a, at the time non-passing, 5'1 110lbs, trans man, all the way from Houston to San Antonio to meet yet another stranger for sex, without telling anyone close to me where I was going and who was taking me there. I am SO lucky I didn't get kidnapped or worse.
These are just a few of my stories, and I know they're not nearly as bad as some other people's.
Since my bipolar disorder has been in remission for 1 3/4 years, I don't think I want to experience either depression or mania ever again. The only thing worse than either is mixed episodes.
FUCK mixed episodes.