Straight A’s for the first time

After almost failing to graduate high school, and dropping out of college, I am poised to have straight A’s for all of my courses for my first semester back as a full time student. As long as I do well on all my finals which I’m pretty confident in, I’m gonna have a 4.0 GPA.

In high school I had brief spurts of good grades, but couldn’t keep it up consistently due to the combined and constant storm of bipolar and ADHD symptoms. I dropped out of my first attempt at college before my freshman year was over.

I thought I was too stupid to be a successful student. I’ve spent the past four years working dead end food service jobs because I was too afraid to try again. Now I know that with the proper medication, lifestyle changes and coping skills I am actually capable of being an excellent student. It’s still not trivial to juggle all this mental health shit with school, but fuck!! I’m actually pulling it off for the first time!!

I’m very grateful to my partner, his support has made me blossom, I don’t think I could’ve reached this level of stability without him. I’ve been really scared of what might happen to this country as we’re a same sex couple and the election might spell doom for queer rights. But I have more faith in myself than I ever have before. I actually have hope for the future. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but I mean it. I have so much hope.