can people have a successful career with bpd or bipolar 1/2.
Idk how to frame this without sounding rude. I often find myself asking this question. I am very ambitious as a person and want to be a doctor preferably a psychiatrist or a surgeon. But i feel like i would be dead by the time i reach there it's so fucking hard dealing with this, like no one fucking gets what you r going through either they label u crazy or just an attention seeker. It's a long ass journey.
I got into med school but i feel like if i hadn't have to deal with this disorder or the people around me were more considerate or supporting i would have made it in a shorter period of time. Getting into med school was hard in itself i am shit scared what med school will do to me. Especially given my unstable mental health. I try to find successful stories people who had this disorder and made it in life or how they managed to be productive. I find stories very inspiring if you guys have any stories please share. I would love to read them