Should I buy an epilator? Need advice.

I have been shaving and waxing occasionally my whole life. It is quite hard for me to maintain a wax schedule plus I can't wax again until it is of a certain height and I end up shaving then and the cycle continues.

Mostly I am looking for a solution that gives me 1 or 2 weeks of smoothness plus something I can use on tiny hair as well. An epilator checks all these boxes. But I am aware of its problems. You require thorough exfoliation to ensure no ingrowns and it is painful as heck especially in the beginning.

Another aspect is that I also want it to get rid of my pubic hair, which I understand is an excruciating process. But shaving is becoming intolerable for me, it lasts for a day maybe and my skin becomes prickly and shaving down there frequently is like torture.

I am not sure if an epilator is the closest to a solution so I am asking for some advice from people who have used it on their whole body. Plus I don't have the means to get laser as of now.

If anyone can suggest the best way I can be hair free (especially down there) keeping all these parameters in mind, that'd be great!