Door Game Collections
I've spent part of the last two weeks going through a couple thousand BBS related files. Mainly door games and utilities. In my desire to reconnect with door game authors of the past I'm working through these files to sort them by author. I've gone through around 2000 files so far. I'm not focusing on the utilities or game modules; I mainly just want to sort out the games themselves.
I find it amazing how many time banks, BBS listing doors, callback verifiers, front end mailers and such were written. I'm not even halfway through and I have over 400 separate authors. As I get a big chunk of them gone through, I'll start posting it on my website as one big ZIP file for download.
I have found several free games that I hadn't known existed and will be putting them up in the file download area after I check them out to see if they run and have time to update the website.
This has been a fun task. There are a few authors I'd like to hunt down, Raymond Clements, (I think I found his address, hopefully he'll reply). I have not had any luck finding William Rountree, Robert Chambers or Michael Goetz. I'm sure more will come up as I go through the files.
I have quite a few door games with their key files on my website. I've tested them on my BBS, under Synchronet, before putting them up for download to make sure they actually work. It's a challenge sometimes.
I had enough of the Otherwise Willow name and opened a new account where I can have a normal name.
BBS: The Fool's Quarter @, telnet: 23 SSH: 2022
A quick update:
I uploaded what I'd like to call the first draft of the collection. Over 650 door game authors and around 3400 files. Some of the files are different versions of the same game. I thought it important to preserve that history. After over a month of looking through files I started getting a little zoned out, so I needed to take a break.
There are errors in this file that I will fix and hopefully add more to it as I find other sources. No utility files, call back verifiers, list makers, note to next user and such. With the exception of if it was from a major collection, like Sunrise Doors.
I tried real hard no to include any of the files altered by Doug Rhea from I appreciate what he did for the BBS community, but they are available elsewhere.
I zipped the entire thing up. You can find it on my website: in the lower right-hand corner above the link to Telnet to The Fool's Quarter.
After a while, I will make a spreadsheet of all the files by author. Should be fun.
If you have a collection of game files, especially older collections, please send them to me. I include what I don't already have.