I need to power an Adafruit Feather Adalogger inside a pressure vessel at 160 degrees Celcius for about 4 hours. Will a LiPo battery work, or should I try to find another alternative?

I'm doing an experiment for my physics class about how differently colored objects cool while in vacuum (due to radiating heat)

To do that, I'll be hanging a probe by a string inside of a vacuum chamber, after it's been heated to 160 C.

Inside the probe will be a bunch of rice for thermal mass, a small platform with an Adafruit Feather Adalogger (It accepts either 4.2/3.7V via a JST jack), and a BMP 280 pressure and temperature sensor connected to the adalogger. The probe should be sealed and stay at 1 atmosphere of pressure inside the vacuum chamber, but if the probe's pressure seal breaks, I don't want to have to clean up a LiPo battery mess off of my (sorta expensive) electronics.

I'm curious if there's a better suited battery to such a high temperature. I'm not worried about the longevity of the battery, it has to last for 2 tests that max out at 4 hours each, and I have ample time to charge in between.