Am I a bad roommate??

Hi, I am a 27(M). I rent a room in an apartment. I apologize for formatting this; I am doing this on the phone. I will put two situations where my roommates told me I was in the wrong.

The shared areas include the bathroom, living room, kitchen (apt.), and laundry(building). At the moment, I have two other roommates. I argue with roommate A (60 M) about the air conditioner. He puts it at 80+ all the time. I explained that I am heat sensitive (pass out, sizers, and can have other health issues) and need to be no hotter than 77 degrees at any time. So, whenever the air is off, I chang it back. Roommate A then says the power bill is too high. (It is nowhere as high in the winter since it does not fluctuate like it does now. Roommate B agrees that the bill is too high and that Roommate A keeps it too hot. (the outside temps have been in the 100s for the past few months.) I have a fixed income and can not get a personal AC. So every time the AC is on now roommate A tells me off for being weak and should just deal with the heat. So, am I wrong in this situation??

Situation 2

I did buy a fridge for myself that I keep in the kitchen and I do keep it locked. There is a fridge that the property manager provides that is kinda small for the three of us. I do have food allergies that need me to have an Epi-pen on me, and I do not know fully what they are. (I am waiting for an allergy appointment, but it is not going well since no one takes my insurance near me.) I know a few are kiwis, tomatoes, pineapple, bell peppers, and bananas. I talked to roommate A, asking if he was willing to not have those foods near mine or my shelf in the fridge. He did not take it well and told me off, so I bought one and made sure that I can keep up with the foods I am eating and not eating. Roommate A did try to use it but because I locked it he was not happy about it but could not do anything since I told the property manager (PM) my situation. I did tell PM about my allergies and needing to watch them. So I did get the green light befor I got one.

Bonus issue I do love to cook and tend to let dishes sit for a bit. I like to eat and rest a bit after eating so I guess maybe 2 hours max at any time. I do live them in the sink but only on one side. Roommate A dose live his for days on the counter or lives in his room for weeks at a time. He does take some of mine if I do not put up my dishes within 15 minutes if I leave the kitchen to do something as I let my dishes dry. Roommate B a few times talked to me about dishes and have gotten in the habit of cooking, eating and Cleaning all in one go. But sometimes I do need to take time to cool down if I did a longer recipe since I do get overwhelmed at times and just need a cool down. But I never have dishes out more then 2 hours at a time unless I had a medical emergency. Roommate B seemed frustrated and talked to me again. So am I wrong?

Edit: I wanted to add on the dishes one I do clean as I go. So at any time there may be a pot or pan or even a skillet in the sink. We do have a double sink so I don't take it all up. I also talked to roomate B today and I figured out they thought roommates A, week old dishes on the side were mine. (I wanted to apologizefor living the dishes in the sink at any giving time. Once they figured out I am the one that puts them in the sink they were very apolgitic. They are mad at roommate A who lives them on the counter for week(s) at a time.)