Include template - config file not found
Hello all,
I am trying to use template in azure devops build (yaml), here is my problem
In repoA I have the following file : - main.yml
From this main.yml file I want to run pipelines created in repoB, which contains : - quality.yml - .tflint.hcl
In quality.yml I have this :
- stage: Check
- job: tflint
- task: CmdLine@2
script: 'tflint --chdir . --config-.tflint.hcl'
In main.yml I have : ``` resources: repositories: - repository: templates type: git name: <project>/<repo>
stages: - template: quality.yml ```
The thing is when quality.yml is called from main.yml file, it does not know about the .tflint.hcl file, and consider it does not exist.
How could I tell, "look at your own local config files" inside the main.yml file ? Should I use parameter ?
Thanks a lot, grator57