What kind of trap is this? (Tinder)
I got matched with a lady on Tinder in Baku. I invited her to meet at a restaurant. She said ok and then she said she will bring her friend, I said ok. Later I was waiting for her at the restaurant. She insisted that my location is not accurate and wanted me to come to her nearby (she sent Finnegan’s bar). I walked to her and found them 2 ladys. However there were like 6 police cops standing at the gate. The police asked me how did I know this girl, I told him through Tinder. He told me im not allowed to date Azerbaijani girls, I said ok and left. The 2 girls followed me and asked for 100 mannet. I felt the girls set-up for something that did not work for them, but I don’t know it. I just left. What they planned to do to me?