Quick start API
(I’ve had a rollercoaster of tank situations up until now if you see my past post history, :’) ) So I’m working to cycle a tank and need to have it done asap so I can move my critter in, I had intended to have it done a while ago but I had to restart and then my ability to properly cycle it without quick start was cancelled when I was informed of dates changing. Now she needs to be moved asap asap asap. When i added quick start to the tank it was around 2ppm ammonia and then nitrites were at a .25 and nitrates at 10, the pH is at a stable 7.6. Is this enough for the quick start to help cycle the tank? Or is the tank still uncycle-able? There’s cut up foam from my old talk that was still fresh with the water and bacteria that was getting sucked up through it. And the tank has sand, a hide, and 11 plants in it. I live in an area that has well water and we have hard water, I use a small amount of prime and tap water conditioner after a water change. Is it doing its thing? Does quick start just take a couple weeks?