The importance of sharing downloads
This could just be said simply as a magnifier of effort, meaning, if any one understands the download it amplifies the collective energy in you and any one acclimating to it if thats what needs to happen which is generally the case. i know there are some here whove looked down upon the whole sharing thing, but as ive often said i share what im given that is helping me from the downloads/ visions i get.
If only one person is able to use the message youre given for self transformation then there is a 100 percent energy increase but on the collective level the increase is far greater, potentially infinite as our body of oneness in ascended being is able to amplify that in the collective subconscious ,many times over. Get them and share them,
demand that God is accurate with you versus being rejected for not being accurate, idk if its right being a dick about it but i am, if im ever off i hang that shit on the creator because i didnt want this in the first place. and then i remember from before being on earth and thats why i came here,,,,blah.
Where there are two or more in agreement the chord is made impossibly stronger