Does Dialouge Checks have major implications further into the game, or are they just fun bits of alternative dialogue?

Somtimes when you speak to an NPC you have the option for [Perception 3/3] dialogue option which give other responses from the NPC. Are these dialogue checks important on a grand scale in the game, give better rewards down the road, different reputation or something like that, or are they just fun little dialogue options that you otherwise just wouldn't hear?

Anyone knows? I'v tried saving before dialogues, check out what Dialogue Checks are in the conversation, reload and upgrade that particular Attribute, and speak with th NPC again. They sure give different responses, but in the end the dialogue always seem to end the same way, give the same rewars, give the same quest or the same information.

Was wondering perhaps the impact comes further into the game, and not right away in that particular conversation.