I can't watch or look at anything without seeing extreme hate and outright misinformation and basically propaganda.

Edit 2: thank you everyone for the support on the post! I'm so glad so many who have played the game agree with me. Guys, these are GAMES. Toys. Toys for adults. It's not water or energy. We are entiled to nothing. Nor should we all continue to walk around with this consumer is always right mentality that so many influencers have convinced some of you is okay. The devs are doing a job and these are products. Toys. For fun. Stop being so pretentious

Edit: real quick. I REALLY wish this stuff didn't matter. I get it, just ignore it. But at this point, it effects real people behind these games. It really does. It effects what we get next. People lose their jobs over this stuff. Your "average" gamer looking for their next game, where do they go? YouTube. It does matter. Beyond me being annoyed. Just wanted to say that. YouTube gaming is not niche anymore. It's not just for the hardcore.

What is going on? Its so bad. First of all, the graphics are "bad"?? Wtf? On series x in quality mode, it has next gen visuals. Insanely polished visuals where no texture looks out of place of low res at all. The draw distances are insane. The detail on every surface is clean as fuck. The entire game is INCREDIBLELY clean visually. It's all cohesive and very very well done. Their and Bethesda's, best looking game EVER. By leaps and bounds. Comparing to outerworlds it's SOOO far ahead.

Yet people are saying, it's a PS2/Xbox 360 game. It's wildly unfair to have that spread.

"Obsidian is dead" thousands of upvotes. Why.

The complaints are literally just "why didn't they make a different game". It's not even criticism on what the game actually is, just asking for something different.

I hate this stuff. I want to be involved in the community of this game, I want to watch some tip videos and talk to other people enjoying it, talk about the mechanics, all that.

But I have to see THAT. I can't stand that behavior.

This shit effects the type of games WEEE all get. Forces devs to play it safe, never take risks, get only Sony style hyper realistic movie games or nothing basically.

And THIS EFFECTS OBSIDIAN. Like one flop, regardless of it's quality, can have a profound effect on the company and what they are allowed to make in the future.

I want more games like this that try new things. I don't want the same fucking obsidian and Bethesda rpgs over and over and over with better graphics and animations and a bigger world being it's only new thing.

I love kingdom come deliverance 2. It's a great rpg too. But that game did nothing truly new. I played the first one, this ones better. But it's just a great upgrade. It didn't give me something new to learn or anything.

It's like people don't even like games anymore. It's just about what's popular. About fitting in. I can't stand it anymore, and I think it's a genuine problem that needs to be addressed.

Influencers have too much power over this stuff. And they abuse the fuck out of it for money. Causing so much drama and hate and chaos for devs and people who just want to have fun and play games and be involved in tbe community.