Im fucking sick of how social media has romanticized autism

Nothing and I mean nothing makes me more angry than using my disability as something to be glorified and shown that it is sunshine and rainbows with people with autism, when no, it absolutely fucking not. it can be! but in general, it is NOT. For example, when people say "I need an autistic boyfriend," "Id love an autistic boyfriend" without knowing ANYTHING about the condition and never realizing that dealing with a partner with actual autism is extremely difficult!!! I am in a relationship with someone and I have autism, they don't. And we have to fight for our relationship way more than everyone else because of my condition.

And not only that, this whole social media portrayal of autism being something that people desire and think is some cute mental disorder, is TERRIBLE because social media never talks about the dark side of autism and the severe negative effects it can have on all of us. Autism awareness on social media could have been great with actual good information of this disorder being spread and people becoming more aware and educated but no, it is now just some desire people want and romanticize and ruins our repution when people ACTUALLY SEE what autism is really like. IT MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!