Am I interpreting this correctly?

For context: i used to work at a specific unit at my local hospital before i got into nursing school. Last semester i quit my job because doing night shift and being in nursing school got to be impossible for me. I would say i was generally well liked, maybe didnt have many close friends at work but i was nice to everyone and everyone was nice to me. My boss has spoken highly of my coworkers fondness to me referring to me as a "ray of sunshine".

When i quit i felt (and still feel) a lot of shame and guilt for abandoning my coworkers and the unit and also for not being able to work nightshift and school at the same time like many of my coworkers could/had to.

Despite this, my professor who creates our clinical schedule put me on my old unit after my begs and pleads were denied while i worked there. She even said "i will never put you on there you will hate it!" And i said something along the lines of "only one way to find out". Come to find out not only did she give me one clinical on my old unit, all 10 of my non specialty clinicals are there.

So now to yesterday, i have two patients one was an otherwise healthy person in for appendicitis and the other is generally pretty complicated and has many pressure ulcers and medications but i manage it well get my stuff in on time and have my charting finished. I had a really good day at clinical and my primary nurse was my old coworker. I communicated well with her on what i could and could not do yet or when i finished care for one of the patients because i know that at the end of the day she needs to make sure the care was done for the patient regardless of the student nurse being there.

Overall was a really good day. So as we are about to leave i catch her and thank her for today and let her know im leaving. She thanks me for all my help and tells me to "come back" i tell her thank you and that ill be back next week for clinical, and she then emphasized "okay, but come back" and im pretty sure she meant like apply here when you finish school. But im not sure because my feelings of shame and guilt are clouding my mind. Im worried they all hate me for leaving but everyone ive spoken to completely understands and even says i made the right choice.

Am I interpreting what shes meaning correctly?