Someone unmatched me just because I’m on ODSP
I (19 F) was talking to a guy on bumble who seemed sweet but as soon as I mentioned I wasn’t working currently due to struggles with my AuHD and chronic pain in my legs which by default limits my job opportunities in my area to basically nothing, but regardless I’m still looking for part time employment because I don’t want this to be my life and I mentioned that too he unmatched me with no explanation. I can understand financially why he wouldn’t want an unemployed partner but was I not worth at least a “this won’t work “ message?? It’s not like I asked to be this way and my pussy of a doctor won’t do anything about my pain and hasn’t for years. I almost just want to delete the app and give up on finding someone.
UPDATE I took a bunch of your guys advice and kind word and decided in fact to not give up and now I’m talking to a very lovely lady who didn’t even flinch when I said I was on ODSP maybe not to be sexist but women might be a better option for me for a while? I’ve never dated a girl before it. Kind of fun to actually act on my bisexualism lol