2 dilemmas

okay i have 2 dilemmas, one serious. one not.

1st: i can’t tell if the show “insatiable” is supposed to be funny or serious.

2nd: there’s an event tomorrow at school with about 15 people. it’s unclear whether this “retreat” as they call it, is mandatory or not because it happens after class. it’s been causing me anxiety all week. and it has this schedule.

11 get out of school. 12pm:have lunch. 1pm: an improv class. 2-245: transportation with group to a museum. 3-5pm: museum or zoo. 5-8pm: sunset cruise . 8-?: after party.

is it okay to email my teacher saying that i wouldn’t be attending tomorrows retreat because of the anxiety it causes, and for my own personal wellbeing that i would be going home after 3rd period.