Not a doctor but…

Wtf guys. Just read about how the govt is replacing Australian doctors with overseas trained doctors. Know that the Australian public are with you! Australians want Australian Doctors!!!

I’m new to posting and haven’t quite figured out how to cross post but here are my 2c on r/australianpolitics

“Rural doctor shortage: Overseas-trained doctors to operate after six months of supervision

WA Health minister visits India and comes back with a plan to solve the doctor shortage by fast tracking 150 Indian trainee doctors who will be able to start operating on patients after six months of supervision. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Why wouldn’t you just train more Australian doctors???

Tbh I’m just over globalisation. Australians losing their jobs. People from underprivileged countries being exploited for cheap labour. I’m from a south Asian minority background. It’s not racist to want your doctor to just ‘get you’. I have an awesome GP and she just understands me. She’s been able to help me navigate through a really difficult year using partnerships in the community she has cultivated over decades of experience. Try getting an overseas doctor who has been in the country for 6 months to figure out the NDIS!

Seriously what will the govt think of next?

2026: Health minister outsources GP consults to Indian telehealth market

2027: $1 trillion federal budget surplus

Actually, better not give them ideas…”