Psychiatry misunderstood and perceived inferior

Reading on here comments about the psychiatry resignation drama has highlighted that other specialists seem to think the psychiatry role could be fulfilled quite easily by medics/surgeons/gps etc.

That it would have been if other specialists took a stand because other specialists cannot be replaced like a psychiatrist.

This is so incorrect.

Psychiatry is a complex specialty and to be honest the psychiatric perceptions and management decisions by other medical specialists is pretty laughable the majority of the time. Psychiatrists cannot be replaced by other doctors or cncs

In decision making there is medical/pharma/psychodynamic and analytic concepts/ social constructs/ philosophical ideas/ interpersonal dynamics and reenactments between patients and other medical staff/ the anxiety and dynamics of other doctors and why they are asking for help to consider/ there is holding of intense emotion and anxiety and pain of patients/families and other doctors (CL is largely containing Doctors angst)

The list goes on.

Here is a good summary of Borderline personality disorder - you can see there is a lot to consider…..