I've lost the plot
Not sure if i'm just chronically burnt out or just completely not right for medicine, but literally NO speciality i've rotated through interests me in the slightest.
- Medicine - ward rounds are literally my personal hell
- Surgery - could not imagine a worse group of people to be around
- ED - rosters are absolute chaos
It just seems like everyone's just figured out what speciality they want to do already, but i'm somehow LESS sure of what I want to do since internship?!
My judgement is pretty clouded; the only priority I have at the moment is getting out of this toxic system.
I did write an exam this year, but man the prep was brutal. Passed, but i can't really imagine another half decade of that. I don't know of any speciality that interests me sufficiently to go through that.
- How interested in your speciality are you really? as opposed to lifestyle/remuneration?
- Has anyone been in a similar situation who could share advice?
- For people that never really figured it out but just made the plunge into something - how are you going with it?