Need advice on appealing AT bus lane fine

Hi everyone, I’m looking for advice on whether I can appeal a $150 fine from Auckland Transport (AT) for accidentally driving in a bus lane.

This happened on Christmas Eve near Manukau Mall. I’m not familiar with the area because I rarely go there, and I didn’t realise I’d entered the bus lane until I was already in it. As soon as I noticed, I quickly merged back into the correct lane. I don’t think I drove more than 20 metres in the bus lane.

It was a hectic day with Christmas Eve traffic, and I had my baby and toddler in the backseat, which made things even more stressful. I honestly didn’t mean to do it, and I’m struggling to afford the fine.

Has anyone successfully appealed a bus lane fine? Do I have a chance of getting this reduced or waived if I explain my situation? Any advice or tips would be appreciated.