NATCA National President and Executive Vice President Salaries
As stated in the most recent NATCA Constitution, amended June 2023:
Nick Daniels makes $325,000 to represent air traffic controllers.
Mick Divine makes $320,000 to represent air traffic controllers.
The median pay for controllers - according the the FAA’s website - is $127,805, and we obviously know thousands of controllers making far less than this.
A huge portion of the workforce is working 6 day work weeks and not coming anywhere close to these numbers, yet it is now abundantly clear that the National Executive Board has no desire to outline a clear plan regarding our pay. Whether it’s due to ineptitude or apathy, I don’t know. And I don’t care.
Over the course of 3 town halls, I have repeatedly mentioned specific ideas in which we could increase our compensation immediately. These include, but are not limited to:
Tiered OT, increasing the OT premium to 2x, 2.5x, and 3x base pay based on how many hours of OT you have worked
2x OT premium for unscheduled OT (call-in)
25% weekend differential pay
3.2% June raises
Nick Daniels has repeatedly stated that leadership will not discuss specifics on pay. That is simply unacceptable. It is a dereliction of duty for the Executive Board to ignore the demands of membership, and membership has repeatedly demanded a detailed outline regarding pay.
I reached out to my RVP last night, asking why we can’t get a straight answer on pay. His response, verbatim, was, “What answer besides a blanket 40% across the board raise would you accept? We have given the answers we can give, and we know that isn’t good enough for some.” This response was the final straw for me. It shows that the National Executive Board seems to be truly out of touch with membership. That statement is disingenuous at best, but most likely gaslighting and deflecting. I have repeatedly stated incremental things we can do to address pay in the short term, once the NEB made the unilateral decision to extend the Slate Book through 2029.
NATCA leadership at the highest levels is fundamentally broken. The President, Executive Vice President, and Regional Vice Presidents are not representing the will of membership. This status quo is unacceptable.
This is not a union. We must aggressively and immediately affect the change we want to see within NATCA.
As stated in the most recent NATCA Constitution, amended June 2023:
Nick Daniels makes $325,000 to represent air traffic controllers.
Mick Divine makes $320,000 to represent air traffic controllers.
The median pay for controllers - according the the FAA’s website - is $127,805, and we obviously know thousands of controllers making far less than this.
A huge portion of the workforce is working 6 day work weeks and not coming anywhere close to these numbers, yet it is now abundantly clear that the National Executive Board has no desire to outline a clear plan regarding our pay. Whether it’s due to ineptitude or apathy, I don’t know. And I don’t care.
Over the course of 3 town halls, I have repeatedly mentioned specific ideas in which we could increase our compensation immediately. These include, but are not limited to:
Tiered OT, increasing the OT premium to 2x, 2.5x, and 3x base pay based on how many hours of OT you have worked
2x OT premium for unscheduled OT (call-in)
25% weekend differential pay
3.2% June raises
Nick Daniels has repeatedly stated that leadership will not discuss specifics on pay. That is simply unacceptable. It is a dereliction of duty for the Executive Board to ignore the demands of membership, and membership has repeatedly demanded a detailed outline regarding pay.
I reached out to my RVP last night, asking why we can’t get a straight answer on pay. His response, verbatim, was, “What answer besides a blanket 40% across the board raise would you accept? We have given the answers we can give, and we know that isn’t good enough for some.” This response was the final straw for me. It shows that the National Executive Board seems to be truly out of touch with membership. That statement is disingenuous at best, but most likely gaslighting and deflecting. I have repeatedly stated incremental things we can do to address pay in the short term, once the NEB made the unilateral decision to extend the Slate Book through 2029.
NATCA leadership at the highest levels is fundamentally broken. The President, Executive Vice President, and Regional Vice Presidents are not representing the will of membership. This status quo is unacceptable.
This is not a union. We must aggressively and immediately affect the change we want to see within NATCA.