What are your mom's big 6 (signs+houses), your own big 6 (signs+houses) and what kind of mom was she to you?

Mine is a 4th house Virgo sun and moon, Gem rising, 5th house Libra Mercury, 3rd house Leo Venus and 7th house Sag Mars; I'm an 8th house Sag sun and Venus, 12th house Aries moon, Taurus rising, 9th house Cap Mercury and 5th house Virgo Mars.

She's been my biggest supporter, even if we've driven each other nuts at times. She's always loved and encouraged not only my thoughtful, curious, hypersensitive and nurturing sides, but also my anti-authoritarian, passionate, strong willed, free spirited and creatively mischieveous sides, and how I've always danced to the beat of my own drum. She says that my spirit and natural approach to life has helped her grow as a person. She's encouraged me to ask questions right from the start, to read a lot, think for myself, and find my own path when it comes to everything from values, beliefs, aspirations, spirituality and hobbies... but she laughs and lovingly says "it's not like you wouldn't have done that regardless" when I express my appreciation of that.

Ngl, as a 12th house moon, she's hurt and traumatized me in a lot of ways (some that weren't her fault, others a result of stress and physical and mental illnesses), and our relationship has been far from uncomplicated, but her love is pure and unconditional. She'd do anything for me and my brother... And if my dad wouldn't have lost his damn mind and turned our home into a living hell (he never touched her or my brother, but was violent and sadistic to me which affected all of us), and my mom wouldn't have gotten ill, I think she would have been amazing through and through. ❤️