What happens when other planets are invited to your birthday?

So everybody celebrates the return of the Sun back to their natal position at birth (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), but sometimes other planets will also conjunct your natal Sun on you birthday too. This is indeed an extra special day!

From looking at a few people's charts I've found that most people will have between 1 -12 of these multi Sun conjunctions throughout their lives. Mercury being the most common and probably Pluto being the rarest.

So I'm interested in people's interpretations considering this. For example if Jupiter showed up to your birthday, how would this be different from Jupiter in conjunction with your Sun on any other day that was not your birthday.

You can view your conjunction calendar by going here: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/transit-birthday-calendar-astrology-calculator Then searching for the degree of your natal sun and matching it to your sign.