Does 4th house represents something more than just home,childhood,motherhood?
I've been curious about 4th house area, especially those who have 4th house in any planet since it seems many people underestimate 4th house as "homebody", "motherly", "crybaby", etc so those 4th house people(the ones with 4th house planet natally) or having many Moon aspects or Cancers placement is somehow being looked down compared to other popular water houses like 8th house (Scorpio or 8th or Pluto influence) or 12th house (Pisces or 12th or Neptune influence).
I believe 4th house represents something more. Perhaps, it is somehow related to its opposite house, 10th house, house of reputation, public image, and status, but does anyone know the correlation of them?
is it true that people with 4th house planets or NN in 4th house can't have career?
I want to know what's your 4th house sign, and the planet occupies it, and the aspect of it? How do you relate to your 4th house?