How would you feel if George released Dunk&Egg 4 to accompany the show this year? [Spoilers Extended]

I know George said that he’s not going to write any more D&E until WINDS is finished, but considering he said the same thing for F&B and is also still working on F&B 2, I don’t see it out of the realm of possibility. I could see his publishers pressing him a little bit too (as they did with F&B.)

I think it would actually be a great decision. We could actually get some new content. It wouldn’t be too hard for George to write, since D&E is so short, only from one POV, and he has already written some of the fifth novella (She Wolves of Winterfell). It also might be more beneficial for WINDS long term. It could motivate George if he actually publishes something and gets some good reception.

The only thing is that GRRM typically puts out D&E as a part of an anthology. I’m not sure what kind of outlet he’d put out a single novella. I also could see him working on the next 3 stories simultaneously, to publish in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms vol. 2.

Honestly, I think I’m going insane. There’s not much I wouldn’t do for some new content.