Start HRT or wait due to us politics?

Hi. Just wanted other people's opinions I guess.

I'm pre-hrt, basically cis-het presenting. I'm debating just jumping off the cliff so to speak and taking hrt cause some days are just so painful (don't worry I'm not at risk of self harm).

However, we all know the political climate. I'd be less concerned with the decision, but I have a kiddo (and a second on the way), so their needs have to come before my own.

Do yall think it's likely trans people will be... idk, rounded up? Do yall think this new government will try to take my kids just for being trans?

If we're relatively lucky, I figure I could wait 2 to 4 more years, but like, what do yall suppose the risk is?

Edit: I guess its also worth mentioning I live in New Mexico, which is decently trans friendly.
