Sartre’s perception of the “self” vs Buddhism

I’m new to philosophy, and while reading Existentialism is a Humanism, I came across Sartre’s statement: “man is nothing else but what he makes of himself.” This made me think of Siddhartha which I’m also reading and I’m thinking if Sartre’s idea of the “self” is similar to Buddhist concepts.

Sartre believes that the “self” is created by one’s actions, which essentially rejects the idea of a fixed self—since, in his view, existence precedes essence. From what I know, Buddhism has a similar perspective; it also rejects a fixed self and seeks “non-self” as a path to enlightenment.

But the perspectives on “self” differ when it comes down to how we deal with it, Sartre seems to believe that the self is inescapable. Is it wrong to say there are clear parallels in their thinking, even though they reach different conclusions? And is Buddhism somewhat existential in its approach? This has been on my mind, but I’m still new to philosophy!