are the gays ok???

Obligatory “yes the gay community has XYZ things wrong with it” but seriously, are the gays ok???

I’m so exhausted from interacting with any gay person and just being hit with a barrage of cattiness, sexual innuendos, assumptions about what I want in bed, judgements about where I live and how much sex I have. I NEVER have this problem with straight men or women and yes, for the most part I keep away from gay spaces. But every now and then I come across a group of gay people for whatever reason and I’m immediately reminded of why I avoid them like the plague.

I’m so sick of being treated like there’s something wrong with me for not wanting to always get my clothes off and have sex like the apocalypse is nigh. I’m a fucking sexual abuse survivor and I shouldn’t have to explain to anyone my sexual proclivities. I’m so sick of the fact that I’ve had to go through all this bullshit as a child and now as an adult, when I just want to put it all behind me, I’m actively shamed for struggling with my ability to be sexual and enjoy sex. Why is only hypersexuality seen as normal?

I’m so sick of everything out of these men’s mouths being some sort of weird competitiveness, this constant attempt to outdo others with who has the most sex, who has the best job and the most money, who lives where etc. it’s just petty and gross. I don’t give one single fuck about where you live or how you conduct yourself in your private time so stop giving a fuck about how I conduct my life. I care about your character and your personality. When did being supportive and kind go out of fashion? Why is it that straight people can seem to understand that people have different personalities yet as a gay person if you don’t fit into one of the three factory model Gay Personalities™️ you’re literally a pariah?

Yes, I know what you’re going to say - “not all gays!!!” but please don’t. It’s like when women say “yes, not all men, but enough that we have to worry about these things”, or “enough men that most of us still have these negative experiences” or “not all men, but somehow always a man”. Sometimes people just need to rant and that’s okay, especially after repeated negative experiences.

Who else is struggling with the gays?? It always seems like everyone else has such an easy time with accepting these things and here I am ranting about my experiences on a Sunday afternoon lol