Would You Leave The U.S.?

I've never been one of those knee jerk "if____ wins the election, I'm leaving the country" people, but as I'm rapidly approaching 39, for the first time in my life I've had to seriously think about trying to move to Europe.I mentioned "knee jerk" because, while a Trump term is bad enough, I'm thinking about the long term damage, his Supreme Court Justices in particular, will do to this country.Frankly, I'm also sick of Americans.Given the 1930's Germany vibes we're giving off right now I'm not surprised that we're a country that elevates Nazi and Nazi adjacent individuals to the top.We've always been that country, but we somehow seem to be getting even crazier with every passing year.

I know Europe isn't some utopia, especially with the problems they've got going on over there right now, but they, depending on the country, still don't seem to be as insane as Republicans here.I don't know if even the conservative parties in Norway, or Denmark, for example, are talking about, let alone trying, to strip LGBT people of their rights among other things.

Have any other Americans about reached the point of throwing their hands up, and wanting to leave, if they had the option?If there are any Western, or Northern Europeans here, can you give some perspective on the political situation in your countries, especially as it relates to gay rights?