How did you figure out you were trans?

Hey there, I'm a FTM who's very interested in your side of things, since detransion and self ID as trans seem on the rise. I'm looking to work together with the detransion community to work out what's happening to prevent future detransitioners identifying as trans. I feel that's an issue the trans community isn't taking as seriously as we should, instead it's kinda pushed to the side.

Some questions:

  • how would you rate online sources that help you figure out if your trans? Did they help you to accurately access what's going on with you or did they mislead you into confusing other issues you might have with being trans?

  • if you have transitioned as a minor in online spaces, could you tell me a little about that? What could be done to improve trans spaces that include minors?

  • what are, in your opinion, red flags and green flags for a transition?

Thanks in advance.