hello, i’m here to ask for insides on abortion for public hospitals!
to cut the story short, me (19F) and my bf (23M) noticed a bump on my belly when i was wearing a tight outfit and i haven’t gotten my period since aug/sep. so i went to do a pregnancy test and the two lines were BOLD asf i cried so hard ngl. ik it’s so dumb of me to finally be doing this abortion now but, at least i’m doing smtg abt it before it’s really too late.
i believe i’m around 19-20 weeks and i wish to get this done fast as 1. idw to wait until 24 weeks then i cannot terminate my pregnancy 2. idw the baby to suffer any longer.
however i’m also currently in short of funds.
i have asked a few private clinics about their estimated fees and if they can do it quickly, most of them say yes BUT it will cost up to $8.5k for the abortion procedure. consultation and ultrasound etc will be up to $300. so obviously private is not the way. i have read up on here that at this stage, fees will be quite high already ard $6k for public hospitals but i’m here to confirm and reach out to ask about it right now. i don’t see much recent reddit posts about abortions so i hope someone sees this and help me out :)
also i would like to add that:
i already know about getting referrals from polyclinic to kkh/sgh/nuh to pay lesser than the og amt if u were to go kkh directly.
i know i must go through 48 hours of counselling before i can proceed with the procedure
i have seen comments on other posts that i could just go to urgent A&E for them to start my surgery asap. BUT, how true is that and i want to know if anyone has done that.
this is all i know rn.
i hope to get some answers from others who have been through abortion via the surgical method and not the medical method and how much the cost will be via public hospital and how else can i pay if i can’t pay full in one time.
thankyou and i hope to not get any judgmental comments from anyone and more about advice and help as i need it asap!