had my first SVT attack yesterday. have some questions.
hi guys. im 24f, 140lbs history of high heart rate but never SVT high, been on monitors that come back normal, have had two echos that were normal. never tried any meds. smoke weed very occasionally, vape regularly (quitting as we speak).
i had covid in july 2022 and have been suspecting POTS since then. but last night, i had a crazy coughing fit from inhaling incense while i was lighting it. once it passed, i felt like my heart was racing and took my pulse with a pulse ox. it was steady at 160 for a while and i tried to take deep breaths, drink water, lay down, etc. it got down to the 140s and stayed there for about an hour and i figured i should go to the er.
went to the er, did an ecg, and it showed svt. my heart rate was 154. it stayed between 135-150 for the first 30 minutes i was there. tried a vagal maneuver and it dropped it to 130 but didnt stop the svt. they gave me klonopin and a magnesium infusion, along with some potassium supplements because it was low. because my anxiety was so high, they opted to see if those methods would work before trying adenosine. my heart rate lowered to 105-115 and they did a repeat ekg and the SVT was gone. no adenosine needed. i was sent home with instructions to call my cardiologist and continue taking magnesium and potassium supplements for 5 days.
today, my heart rate has been steady between 95-110, mostly settling at 106. it will jump to 125-130 if i go from sitting to moving around. i have an appointment with a cardiologist in two days. my chest tightness is still present, but i’m having no trouble breathing. i’m also exhausted. was wondering if these are normal symptoms after a Long svt attack.