Autogynephilia Acceptance: A Men's Rights Issue?
Those who campaign for the acceptance of autogynephilia as a sexual orientation have a just cause, and one which overlaps with several other rights movements. The obvious example is the sexual minority rights movement. Another example is the neurodiversity movement (which in turn overlaps with sexual minority rights movements because most of the evidence we have suggest that being in a sexual minority is caused by neuroatypicalities).
But am I wrong to suggest that AGPA (Autogynephilia Acceptance) is, for the most part, a men's rights issue?
The reality is that "official" Trans activism wants to suppress the recognition of Autogynephilia. AGPA is blasphemy against the "woke" and we should not expect the "woke" organizations to work for AGPA.
But some of the Gender-Critical organizations and commentators have taken a very oppositional stance towards AGP. Why? A lot of them are dominated by old-school 70s-era Radical Feminists who see AGP as perhaps the apex of dangerous, predatory male heterosexuality. Look what happened to Phil at that Genspect conference...
So my suggestion - would it be fruitful for AGPA advocates to try and build bridges with the Men's Human Rights Movement (the anti-traditionalist wing of the manosphere)? After all, intolerance towards AGP is almost entirely driven by misandrist sentiment towards male sexuality, misandrist beliefs about men's "proper role in society," and (in my view) a belief among women that they are entitled to men's attention/labor and their own innate sexual revulsion to gender-nonconformity in males.
Full disclosure, I consider myself part of the MHRM and ever since I read *Autoheterosexual* I have promoted AGPA (part of both advocacy for 'spergs and advocacy against misandrist forms of feminism). I'm not trying to enlist anyone into this project of mine, just soliciting opinions on its viability.