How to fix the solo queue experience. BANS.

Solo queue is a large part in why I legt 2 years ago quit after 2k hours

You get teammates that treat Apex like solos with revivies enabled, they go off miles away die and spam the revive button or turn on the mic to be toxic and if you don't they can just leave with 0 punishment or a useless 5 minute punishment.

Now you are stuck trying to win or get good RP and every fight is now a 2 v 3 Solutions:

  1. Make the punishment for landing off alone and dying an 30 minute time out, you have to have the app open for the timer to count down. Keep it 30 minutes, if they do it more than 6 times in a month perma ban them. Straight up. BAN THEM. 2 v3 in an alredy sweatyy game is hell. HARDWARE AND IP BAN THEM. FRY THEIR CONSOLE IF YOU HAVE TO. Landing off alone and dying can be if you are 60 meters or more away from your team within the first 3 minutes of the game and die, then it kicks in. People treat it like solos with revives enabled, so BAN THEM.

  2. Buff xp for kills within proximity, if we take out a team and we are within 50 meters of each ther add extra RP and or XP to those kills.

  3. Remove whatever metric that works in the back ground that decides that I'm good enough to play masters players but I'm a plat rat rn.

My last game was being silver and it wasn't beginning of the season, I ran into masters 3 stack then pred 3 stack and then masters, I came on here and complained and was told about hidden MMR, that rewards me better for beating them and gives them less for beating me due to rank difference. I LEGIT DON'T CARE, I just want to face people in my own rank, I get 0 reward for facing pred 3 stacks, I don't even get a dive trail for it.

Trust me once they start enforcing team play and or severely punishing bad actors, people will come back or at least I will.

Once people see, that there is a punishment for bad actors they'll come back.

I haven't played in 2 years but I do follow it, and all of this may have changed but from what I've seen from youtubers and on here it hasn't and the game is bleeding players and it isn't because of skins or too many heirlooms.