I need your advice. How to embrace antinatalism when your own body is antagonising you

Asking for a friend 😆

I have inclined to antanalistic point of view my whole life. I know all the arguments and I wholeheartedly agree with them. However for the past 2 years my own body was my biggest enemy. I'm sure it has to do with me being in my prime years. I'm 29 currently. It is becoming insufferable though.

Each month for two weeks I'm in baby fever in the most painful way. It is as if I lose all the capacity for rational thought process, I just want to hold a baby, I wanna feed it and cuddle it. To hell with miserable life it might had and all the generational trauma I might pass on it. It is like a primitive part of my brain completely takes over me.

I'm afraid to get a new job, because I can't be around people, because I know this is what it might lead to. It is also like they can sense it, so the solution wouldn't be simply resisting my own urges and keeping my thoughts in check, but also resisting everybody else, who is basically supporting these desires of mine (this is what I've been basically doing till now, everyone's life seems to revolve around their family entirely and expanding it) I'm just losing my will to fight it.

I have tried to focus on work, on creative things (seemed like a best substitute since having a child is basically a peak of creation that can be made in this world). It works, but once I hit my ovulation period, it's game over and I'm in pain again, my mind only focused on one thing (this lasts for about a week, plus I still feel the same sentiments once my period arrives, that's why I rounded it up to two weeks each month. Two weeks of torture, uncontrollable crying and futile attempts to regulate my thoughts and emotions).

I feel worse on physical level with every passing month. My periods have gotten progressively worse and more painful. The irrational part of my brain is telling me this is my punishment for resistance. If I could spend this life in isolation and just be able to focus on work and graciously finish this game we are all involuntarily playing here, I would be grateful.

But honestly only two options that seems to be narrowing in front of me are either having a child and going against all of my principles just to not go completely mad or prevent it on physical level and exit this game prematurely since this seems to be the only way in which I can control myself. I can't imagine having to go through this every two weeks for the rest of my fertile years.

I am lucky enough to have people in my life with whom I can discuss this topic, however they have either not really experienced this turmoil and simply live their lives according to this philosophy, or are in similar pain willing to give in and only waiting for an opportunity (finding a right partner).

Did any of you go through this or are you antinatalists inside and out? ( if so please teach me 🙏)

I feel I might get recommended contraception pills to regulate my hormones, I just wish there was a normal solution instead of drugging myself to numbness.