
Hey yall, so I had previously been on Zoloft for about 2 months and it gave me really bad nightmares, so my doctor switched me to Prozac for about a year. The Prozac made me feel like a zombie and I genuinely disliked it so much. 90% of the time I had no emotion and the other 10% it was so overwhelming. It was like I was the most depressed I’d ever been or the happiest I could imagine. It’s been about 5 years since the last time I took them but my family thinks it may benefit me to get back on them for emotional regulation. Recently I’ve just felt really checked out of life. Should I go back to Prozac or maybe try a different kind like Lexapro? Or should I even get back on them at all? Any advice helps. (I also drink quite a lot and I know that can have some pretty bad affects so that’s what’s scaring me to try them again)