Update: Am I wrong for inviting friends over and not informing my (separated) husband?

Hi all,
Thank you so much for all your comments and responses on my previous post.

I don't know how to link the previous post, but you can check it on my profile. Quick summary: invited friends over to our house on new years while my stbx husband had gone to his parents place with our kids (we still kind of live together part time). He's mad i didn't inform him or ask for his approval.

Update: Thank you so much everyone for your responses. I had been seriously doubting myself, whether i was just being an asshole to him here, but thanks for validating that he was in fact overreacting. We talked again after, and i told him again, that however much we still sometimes stay in the same house, we are not together anymore and it should not matter to him whatever i do with my time, as long a it does not directly affect him and the children. I also mentioned that it was time to separate houses completely and that we'd need to sit and figure out a solution. I agreed that until we had the separate housing figured out, I'd let him know whenever someone was coming over since it seemed important to him, but i would not ask for approval.

He did not agree though and went on a rant over how embarrassing it is that "I'm acting all single", while we're technically still married. He said he's now considering moving with the kids to his hometown or to Europe. Because he doesn't want to be living in the same city with me while i "fuck around all over town" and also why should he be the only one who's life gets turned upside down.

Guess this was never about the house at all. I'm so confused now, cause this all seems so crazy to me. Is that a kind of threat to get me to do what he wants? One of his conditions for a peaceful separation was that i lay low for some time (until end of Feb) and let him tell people about the separation at his own pace, so maybe it's about that?

In either case, i went ahead and kept the kids' passports for now just in case and will be talking with a lawyer tomorrow, but if he really wants to leave the country, he probably could, because the kids have dual citizenship. I feel so bad now, i should have just kept quiet and apologized and stuck it out until he maybe finds someone else or loses interest in me. I really don't want the kids having to go through a bitter divorce and legal battle or for their lives being completely uprooted.

Thanks for listening to me vent guys.