Eero has just been... getting worse?

I don't know what it is, but my overall experience with Eero has just been going downhill over the last year or so. This is a bit of a rant, but also just me trying to ask for information/help.

We were first-gen adopters, and back then, everything just worked. A few years go by, a few more updates, things still going fine. Over the last year, we've phased out our old Eeros in exchange for 6 pro and 6e models, and it hasn't been the best experience. (I don't know if it was the Amazon acquisition or...)

The app is god awful, presenting inaccurate and unreliable information about the network: especially during phases of restart or drops. There's no way to legitimately see what's happening with your network, besides a "health check" and a few Wi-Fi bars that could mean anything. (Bars are filled in the Wi-Fi icons for each Eero, yet devices drop around the house.) It's too simple for problems that need solutions - icons can't solve problems and provide context.

Eero Customer Service has always been great, so no slander to them for trying to help and providing useful info that we sadly don't have access to. But I'd like a better solution than unplugging all my Eeros and plugging them back in, whenever there's an update that finishes or the mesh drops and the gateway is fine. With the number of 6 pros we have, this really doesn't make sense.

Restarting the network causes every Eero to stop communicating with the gateway Eero (or subsequent Eeros.) It's a pain, going around the house, unplugging them, and circling back to plugging them in. Being so invested in this ecosystem for many years, and now seeing many problems has me wanting to switch to a competing product, as Eero just isn't giving the same results it used to.

I'd love to know everyone's thoughts, because I see on r/eero and r/amazoneero so many others who seem to have the same issues (and then some.)