Questions about dungeons and zones.
Hello. Im new to Albion and Im kind of confused about dungeons and zones. I am aware that Green dungeons are solo, Blue is group, and orange is corrupted, I am also aware that other players can attack you inside dungeons, also that a dungeon’s tier is based on which tier zones the dungeon is n based on the map.
As for zones, Im aware that blue zones are safe unless you are from a enemy faction.
How do I know which dungeons can I be attacked in? Can I be attacked in a Green Dungeon? or is it based on what colour zone Im in? (as in, does that mean I wont be attacked in green dungeons that are in Blue zones
If I get killed by a player in a green dungeon, will I lose my gear? or does that only apply to corrupted dungeon?
How do Yellow and Red zones work?