Newbie questions.

Hello, Im new to Albion Online and I'd thought I give it a go. I'm aware that this game mostly focuses on PvP, although there are some minor PvE dungeons and that some of the higher level dungeons have some PvP aspect to them? Any way I have some questions that I would like to clarify about the game.

  1. What are the differences between each Faction? Just from the aesthetics alone, Fort Sterling and Carleon looks the coolest to me. Sterling looks like a bunch of Paladins while Carleon reminds me of Warhammer Fantasy. Anyway what are the differences between each faction?

  2. As a new player what should I be working on/doing? Asides from grinding skills like gathering and crafting, what kind of combat can I do? I want to focus on PvE for now and save PvP for when Im higher level and more confident.