What are your thoughts on the speed limits in Alameda?

As we know the speed limit in most of Alameda is 25 MPH, and it's not an exaggeration to say maybe 5-10% of people adhere to the speed limit (30 MPH or less).

It takes a lot of psychological effort to not speed when everyone tailgates and consistently goes 35-45 MPH in a 25. It's also difficult as a pedestrian with people speeding towards crosswalks and waiting until they can miss you by 12 inches before barreling forward.

I know I wouldn't get a ticket for speeding, but I like the idea of a city where cars aren't prioritized and where pedestrians can feel safe. I don't believe the rule of speeding to go with the flow of traffic should apply to residential areas.

Do you feel that speed bumps should be added on main roads; the speed limit should be increased; or that the police should make themselves useful?