Stimulants, Menstruation, and Lack of Research

TL;DR at bottom.

I love learning about hormones and neurotransmitters because they has such an impact on my life! Besides receiving my ADHD diagnosis a year and a half ago, I am also lucky to have PMDD. I can't tell you how much I google things like "adderall+menstruation" & "adderall+hormones." There are so many girls and women who have the same questions,"Does adderall delay periods?" "Does Vyvanse cause breakthrough bleeding?" "Could my period make my stimulants stop working?" The answers seem to be the same, "As a doctor, there is no evidence that stimulant medications cause menstruation related side effects." Well that's because nobody is actually researching it! Women were not included in clinical trials until 1993 so there is still so little that we know about medications in relation to female hormones. Because it has been, and is still often thought of as an affliction for boys, women get the short end of the stick for treatment.

Could I get a consensus of how & whether or not your stimulants could be affecting your cycle? Does anyone know of resources that I'm not finding about the possible connection?

Today, my normally very regular period is delayed again as are my pms/pmdd symptoms. Though, I've been taking my adderall IR 10mg more often since ovulation as I'm back in school and it's the end of the semester. It's less effective and I'm getting what feel like hot-flashes when I rebound.

TL;DR: My menstrual cycles a mess and I think it's because of my 10mg Adderall IR. I wish there was more research. Does anyone know any sources about the possible connection? Do stimulants affect your cycle? How?