ADHD Humor: You Know You Have ADHD When…

What’s something your ADHD brain did this week that made you laugh?

Here are some of mine:

  1. Re-washed a load of laundry because I couldn’t remember if I added detergent the first time (this actually happened twice this week lol).

  2. Said, “I’m going to mail that this week,” to a box of goodies I put together for a friend which has been sitting near my front door for around four months just waiting to be sent. (I have solid plans to mail it on Monday. Wish me luck!)

  3. Purchased [perishable item] with the best of intentions and watched as it slowly began to turn with each passing day. This week it was bananas. (Side note: it is NEVER avocados! When I bring an avocado home, I will let it sit on my counter for a day or two to soften just a tad, but still a little firm, and then I place them in the fridge. They last so much longer this way!)

Reading these back, some of things are annoying, yes, but I’m learning to give myself grace and find the humor when I can. 😁

Your turn!