What personality trait/quirk did you learn was actually ADHD once you were diagnosed?

Newly diagnosed and it feels like everyday I'm learning something (especially from this sub) that I thought was a personal quirk is actually a symptom/common trait in ADHD. It's been super eye opening! In the last 2 weeks some of the things I've learned are that skin picking can be part of ADHD, hoarding scissors and having them all over your house is not uncommon, and I'm not the only one who uses parentheses to add bonus thoughts in text. It's been a little overwhelming to learn all these things I've always thought were personal oddities are actually pretty common, but it's also been so enlightening to find out I'm not broken or wrong, my brain is just different from the neurotypical and I've been trying to put a square peg in a round hole for decades.

What have you learned since your diagnosis that you always thought was a quirk/oddity/you being weird that is actually quite common in other women (or people in general) with ADHD?