Rejected assessment
I found out that I have been rejected for an ADHD assessment (in the UK) and I am really struggling with what the hell to do about it. Looking at studies I think I have a lot of ADHD symptoms, but I have been second guessing the intensity of them because of the things I see on social media. The other day I saw a video of a girl being "secretly" recorded by her boyfriend as she continuously forgets things for her meal she just made (glass of water, fork, that sort of thing). This is just one example but there are loads of videos online where I think, "well, I'm not exactly like that, so I must not have it". I guess..if there was a scale of ADHD I think I would fit somewhere like a 7 out of 10 in regards of intensity of the symptoms when comparing myself to these people. Basically, what I'm trying to ask is, should I bother pushing to get an assessment and find medication that might help or just learn to accept that I am the way I am and that I am failing at life?