Think the penny just dropped for me
So tonight I went along to a sport I’ve just started (ice hockey. Bloody love it). We had a different coach to what I’m used to, one who teaches at the top level in our area. He’s used to shouting and people understanding instantly what to do.
I did not understand.
We had to do an exercise, I found myself first in line (HOW THE FUCK?? I’m a back of the line person)
He shouting at me, everyone’s yelling at me to go go go, I’m like ‘what the fuck ‘GO WHERE YOU’RE NOT MAKING SENSE’
Panicked and skated off to the back of the line, telling him on the way past that I CANT FUCKING UNDERSTAND WORDS I NEED TO SEE HOW ITS DONE.
Felt like a right fucking muppet and almost cried.
And now that I’m home I finally realize just how hard it can be for us neurosparklers. Things that are easy for others are just hard for our brains. Think that just bought it right home for me.
So, bloody go us. We keep getting up, getting knocked down, and getting up again.
Anyway, short boring story, just needed to vent somewhere. Continue on your day/evening.