How do y'all keep your baths/showers clean?
My husband and I both have ADHD and while we're complementary in some areas, we both suck at cleaning the bathroom, and especially the shower (think 2-4x/ year).
When we moved in, our main bathroom already had a stubborn layer of soap scum that I've never managed to 100% remove, and since it bothers me, I make every time I clean it a big project, and therefore put off cleaning it longer.
I just cleaned it (read: I set a scrub brush in it last night and scrubbed around during my shower today), and I really want to think about a system for more frequent cleanings before it gets bad again.
Do y'all have any "hacks" for simple daily or weekly tub cleaning?
Edit: thank you all so much! I went out and bought a scrub daddy wand and a squeegee today, and I already got a lot of my soap scum off with your suggestions 💜