You have to position yourself next to the thing you need to focus on after you take your medicine

Much like a werewolf that needs to position themself next to their victim of choice strategically before time of transformation, I’m learning more and more that I need to werewolf the tasks I need to focus on.
Goal: study for an interview I have coming up.
What actually happened:
Medication kicked in. “why is my desk so messy. I should clean this up. Look, three glasses from the ADHD-mandated three drink at a time policy. Let’s put those in the dishwasher. Oh look, dishwasher needs unloading. Now let’s load the dishwasher. The rice cooker is hand wash only. Let’s wash the rice cooker. Welp, while the sponge is soapy let’s wash everything else in here that’s hand wash only….” Two hours later the kitchen is spotless and I have not started studying. 🤦🏻‍♀️