Should I disclose being trans on dating apps?
Context: I've been using dating apps to find soulmate or just hookups and I personally don't like to scream on my bio "I'M TRANS BTW" because I know that I'm a woman and I want to have relations as a woman etc etc.
The weird thing is that, I get a lot of matches but the moment the person realizes that I'm trans (by the conversation and not the pics) they're like "You should have told me that you were trans", "I'm searching for a real woman" etc.
It's kinda of a weird situation that I don't quite understand: except for one thing not being possible to do while intimate, I don't understand why being trans would change anything if the person was attracted to my looks, femininity and all.
But it's always awkward to say "hey, by the way, I'm trans for you to know" like it's some kinda of disease that I have to disclose. I really don't understand, we don't even know if we're going to get intimate, why should the thing between my legs matters???
I haven't had a date for a long time, and it's so tiring, all of this :(
It's kinda of rant but also advice, what to do, because even though I fight for trans rights it doesn't feel right to disclose things like this.